Benefits for the health of organic food

Organic food is very popular and everyone wants to know its benefits. The large audience that organic foods are healthier than conventional foods is very strong, and is the main reason for the increase in demand in demand in the last 5-6 years. Organic facts is a strong advocate of organic food; This site, however, also believes to set the visitors through more accurate facts.
This article explains what organic food is, as it is beneficial and that the standards are the same. This is the public to help we are on organic foods that are good for health.Firstly, there is a small amount of scientific evidence that organic foods are better than traditional products. Scientific research carried out today in various organic foods has not been able to provide strong evidence of the superiority of organic food over non-organic foods. This is mainly because the bulk of scientific research is based on funding provided by governments and industry.Therefore, even the FDA and USDA clarify that organic foods such as organic foods are not as healthy. However, there are some scientific studies have shown that milk and organic organic tomatoes are better than non-organic varieties. Also conducted studies on a variety of other types of organic foods have added health benefits over non-organic varieties.

Organic milk


Recent studies showed organic milk more antioxidants, omega-3, CLA and vitamins that the fatty acids of non-organic milk has. According to researchers at the Danish Institute of Agricultural Research at the University of Aberdeen and the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, organic milk is healthier than non-organic milk grazing cows in the best resulting milk quality.

Organic tomatoes

According to a study of 10 years from the University of California, Davis, organic tomatoes are produced in an environment that does not have a lower intake of nutrients such as nitrogen rich fertilizer chemicals added. This leads to an excessive formation of antioxidants, such as quercetin (79% more) and kaempferol (97% more) in the organic tomatoes. As we all know, antioxidants are good for health and help reduce hereditary diseases and the chances of developing cancer.These studies have raised hopes of many people who believe mankind need to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides to switch practices and make more sustainable organic farming. There are many studies that show that there is a kind of contamination by pesticides and fertilizers in non-organic foods, and there are others who claim that organic foods are unhealthy because they contain bacteria and viruses dangerous because they are Do not use corrosive chemicals to protect against these toxic substances. However none of these studies show the chemical contamination or the presence of bacteria / viruses show a direct impact on the overall health of people.Benefits for the health of organic foodIn general, consumers, organic food manufacturers and farmers are firmly convinced that organic foods have the following advantages over conventional foods.Antioxidant capacityHave several studies on the effects of antioxidants derived from organic foods in your overall health, and the prevailing results showed that antioxidants tend to have more impact when they come from organic foods. This may be due to the fact that foreign chemicals will not negatively interfere with the various vitamins, minerals and organic compounds that are so important for the beneficial fruits and vegetables in things like prevention of cancer, heart disease, visual impairment and bad Cognitive function. Recent research suggests that organic food may be the choice to an increased intake of antioxidants desirable nutritional physiological and reduced exposure to toxic heavy metals.

Pesticide reduction

One of the main complaints that consumers of organic food choose to cite organic about non-organic is the presence of pesticides. To prevent crops being attacked by the natural world, including insects, pesticides are needed. While they do a good job of keeping certain pests away from crops, they are also made on the strong chemicals such as organophosphates. This is not a natural mineral compound required by man, but more than 80% of this material in our body comes from food-coated pesticides. The organophosphorus has been linked to a number of developmental disorders, including autism and ADHD, so the organic food lovers have a strong argument enough in this case. To be honest, many people choose to go organic to ensure that their children grow up healthy and not altered by toxins in the world during their development years.

Heart health

A greater amount of time on the willow grass also increases the amount of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) that can be found in animal products. CLA is a healthy heart that increases the fatty acid for cardiovascular protection and is found in larger amounts in the mother's milk and meat from animals that have been bred in freedom and without cages.

immune system

In recent decades, one of the largest projects for farmers and food producers was the genetic change. Making six times bigger tomatoes may seem a potential some problems of the ability to solve hunger in the world, but there is yet another side of it. The genetic change is still at an early stage, so the long-term effects on human health are not as well received as we would like. In animal experiments, genetically modified foods have shown a significant reduction in the strength of the immune system, raising birth mortality and a sexual dysfunction, cancer, and sensitivity to allergens. While there are good things about genetically modified foods, organic food advocates advocate the lack of specific details about the long-term effects.

Antibiotic resistance

People are very sensitive to their health problems, and to make arrangements often to ensure that they stay healthy and get multiple vaccines and antibiotics when a new strain of bacteria that makes them sick. However, sources of non-organic food, including cattle and food houses also use antibiotics to feed their animals. This additional dose of antibiotics can weaken the immune system essentially overdose of antibiotics, so the reshaping of our immune system so many times that eventually will not be able to defend themselves. Manufacturers of food producers and organic milk do not use antibiotics in their processes.

General health

Since organic food is made with chemical fertilizers, it contains no trace of these strong chemicals and can not negatively affect the human body. Natural fertilizers, such as manure, work very well, and organic farmers are happy to use this form of odor fertilizer, but safer.

Better taste

Some people strongly believe that organic food tastes better than conventional foods. The main reason for this assumption is that it is produced using organic production. In addition, often organic food is sold locally, which results in the availability of fresh produce on the market, which often proves to be better than products that have been transported and transported over long distances have been frozen.

Environmental protection

Since the harmful chemicals are not used in organic farming, there is a minimum of contamination of soil, air and water; Thereby ensuring a safer and healthier world for future generations.

Animal protection


Animal protection is an important aspect of the production of organic milk, organic meat, poultry and fish Bio Bio. People feel happy that the animals are not confined to a wretched life when they eat animal products organic cage.The following questions and answers will help you better understand organic foods and their benefits

What is organic food?

Organic foods refer to foods that are prepared by an organic certification body established according to the standards. In general, organic food is manufactured and processed foods without the use of chemicals. In other words, the production of organic food does not require the use of chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides or chemical preservatives.The USDA food quality in the following sections:100% Organic: Must contain 100% organic ingredients.Bio: Must contain at least 95% organic ingredients.Made with organic ingredients: must contain at least 70% organic ingredients.It has some organic ingredients: Can contain less than 70% organic ingredients.This is good for your health?Usually, people think that organic foods are better for your health than conventional foods. However, the USDA and the FDA clearly show that conventional foods such as organic foods are considered healthy. Scientific research has also been conclusive to prove that organic foods are healthier than conventional foods because research is also showing that conventional foods are better than organic. The exceptions are organic milk and organic tomatoes. Recent studies on organic milk and organic tomatoes have shown that these foods are healthier than non-organic milk and non-organic tomatoes.Where can I buy organic food?Some of the best ways to buy listed below are:Directly from an organic farmLocal organic food marketsFoodstuffsTrade chains like Walmart or Whole FoodsTraditional shops also carry organic foodOn-lineHow do I know that something is organic?Organic food can be identified with an organic logo on the packaging. Companies, farmers, manufacturers and suppliers, set standards by a certification body in their field, can set up a logo of the certification body in Essen.Are the standards the same for all organic foods?No, because the way of manufacturing and processing different for different food, the rules are different. For example, the standards for the production of organic honey are different standards for the production of biological or organic milk production of coconut oil. Note that standards vary from one region to another. In some countries, a uniform set of codes can follow. For example, some 18 countries follow the rules set by the International Olive Oil Council for the production of organic olive oil. However, there are some countries, such as the United States, which have their own standards for the production of organic olive oil.Should I use the word organic food?Yes, you should look up the word "organic". However, you should also check the certification authority's logo.It is illegal to sell non-organic food with an eco-label. However, there were also cases of fraud before, when the attention of the authorities brought, they tried hard. Therefore, you should always verify the logo certification body properly, and you should purchase organic foods that have a real label on them.Are organic foods more expensive than conventional foods?Yes, organic foods typically cost between 20% and 100% more than conventional foods. The production of organic food is usually elaborate and involves the use of organic fertilizers and organic pesticides, which are more expensive than chemical fertilizers and pesticides. That is why it costs more.Can I produce in my garden or on the farm?It can also produce organic food in your garden, organic nursery is a very common pastime for many people. You do not need permission to produce them. However, if you intend to sell organic food, must comply with the guidelines established by the certification body and get their approval to use their logo.Organic food as a health food?No, organic foods refer to food prepared without the use of chemicals. Natural foods refer to foods that are processed only minimally.Is it safe for children?

Many parents believe that organic food is safer for their children because it contains no chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, there is no scientific research to prove.

Are there more nutrients contains?

So far, scientific research has shown only organic milk and organic tomatoes. Organic milk has more omega-3, CLA, vitamins and antioxidants than non-organic milk. Similarly, organic tomatoes have more antioxidants than non-organic tomatoes. Recent research suggests that organic food may lead to the increased consumption of antioxidant nutrients and reduces unwanted toxic exposure to heavy metals.